( ) A group of scientists have warned the United States against weaponizing space, saying the move would be prohibitively expensive and could spark a new arms race in the cosmos.
(A) Scientists have been against the United States’ weaponizing space because this move would cost a huge amount of money and could initiate a new arms race in space.
(B) Scientists have warned the United States not to travel into space because it could be extremely expensive and dangerous.
(C) Scientists have been against the United States to arm the moon with expensive weapons because it will destroy the space.
(D) Many scientists in the United States have warned the government not to weaponize the cosmos because it is too expensive.
Step 1:瀏覽句意,找出主結構:“A group of scientists have warned the United States against weaponizing space.” (有一群科學家已經警告美國不要將太空武器化)。
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