今天這題句意解析題目並不難,可說沒有太艱深難懂的單字,不過呢?重點在題目中的形容詞子句裡面的anything but common...搞錯意思的話,你可能會搞錯題目的題旨,選擇了錯誤的答案喔!不過對於這題小編有個更簡單的解題方法,題目中四個選項裡面只有一個選項對於Smith太太是正向的描述...這樣你知道該選哪個解答了吧?!
( ) What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make Mrs. Smith anything but common.
(A) Mrs. Smith is quite an ordinary person as the book shows all the details of her daily living.
(B) The book’s detailed description of Mrs. Smith’s daily life shows that she is an unusual person.
(C) Mrs. Smith is obviously a common person because of the details of daily living shown in this book.
(D) The details of Mrs. Smith’s daily life in the book show what a common person she is.
Step 1:瀏覽句意,找出主結構:“what is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living” (在這本書中最明顯的是每日生活的所有細節)。
完整解析 請參考國考專門店 英銘國考英文周刊-No.73-句意解析篇
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